Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Americans Are Undermedicated, My Ass!

I just read the memo, and guess who they are going to be testing the new Lunesta strength on? And the testosterone on? Yeah, it's going to be a long couple of weeks down here.

To top it off, they are going to be testing them on us at the same time.

So half of us are going to be wild-eyed and aggressive, and the other half are going to be asleep.

Plus, they are cutting our over time. Guess they don't want to pay for all those sleeping hours. There's no guarantee that we will wake right up from the drugs at five o'clock and drive on outta here, so after five we are sleeping on our own time.

I hate it here. I hope I never wake up.

But what if I get the testosterone?


Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Health Report: President Bush - Proof that Cloning is Dangerous. Really!

Today in DeadBrain's Health section, The White House and the WME finally admitted that they have been cloning President Bush for years. Of course, this is not news to us, because the report was accurate except for one small issue - Cheney NEVER shoots the clones! Never! He's just using it to make his whole "I shot Harry by mistake" story sound plausible.

When it started, the job always fell to one of the secretaries. First it was Chertoff, but he started enjoying it WAY too much, and he actually shot the only clone that was almost perfect. Plus, a few people under his employ mysteriously "disappeared" - - records don't show any transfers, out-of-state moves.....and Chertoff was always out duck hunting when one of his junior staff members vanished. So.....they figured out he was a little too trigger happy, and shooting the one halfway decent Bush clone was the last straw. So then it was Condi and Rummy, and as you can see, neither of them liked it. The Bush clone above is clearly making a gaffe, and both of them know he's a goner, but you can practically hear them,

"It's your turn!"
"No, it's not"
"Yes, it IS! I did it last time!"
"You did not"

God, like a couple of 5 year olds. So, finally it fell to the perfect candidate.

Dr. Eudaimonia.

He loves this part of the job, and we know for a fact that he likes to torture the clone before he kills it. When the time comes up to kill a clone, he makes sure he takes someone from down here with him. Keeps us good and terrified.

It's just the way things are around here.

We may be paralyzed with fear, but we are determined to escape.

I cannot stop thinking about Franny. I wish she would send a sign that she is okay. I look everywhere.......

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Did she?

She's gone. Franny has not been at her desk in almost two weeks, and at first we thought she was home with a cold, she had complained of not feeling well, but we started to get worried when she did not show up yesterday, or today.

Luka called her over the weekend, and told us that all he got was, "we're sorry, the number you have called has been disconnected or is no longer in service."

Then he called last night and some guy answered, saying no Franny lived there, never had, sorry. Luka called back just to make sure he had not misdialed and the guy shouted that there was no Franny G. at the this number, he should know, it has been his number for twenty-two years!

We're all in shock.

Was she real? An impersonation? A group hallucination?

Did "they" get her?

Or..........did she escape?

She knew alot about some deep inner governmental workings, my gut says she escaped.

I hope she can send us a message, somehow..........

But the only way she'll be able to stay free is to deny, deny, deny.

That's okay.

We'll all be reunited if... I mean when, we get out.

Still, the mood is somber today.

We're really going to miss her.

Wild Bill is the creator of Kelly Mahan Jaramillo
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