Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Did she?

She's gone. Franny has not been at her desk in almost two weeks, and at first we thought she was home with a cold, she had complained of not feeling well, but we started to get worried when she did not show up yesterday, or today.

Luka called her over the weekend, and told us that all he got was, "we're sorry, the number you have called has been disconnected or is no longer in service."

Then he called last night and some guy answered, saying no Franny lived there, never had, sorry. Luka called back just to make sure he had not misdialed and the guy shouted that there was no Franny G. at the this number, he should know, it has been his number for twenty-two years!

We're all in shock.

Was she real? An impersonation? A group hallucination?

Did "they" get her?

Or..........did she escape?

She knew alot about some deep inner governmental workings, my gut says she escaped.

I hope she can send us a message, somehow..........

But the only way she'll be able to stay free is to deny, deny, deny.

That's okay.

We'll all be reunited if... I mean when, we get out.

Still, the mood is somber today.

We're really going to miss her.


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