Sunday, April 01, 2007

we are out

Good Lord, operations take time.

Anna and Sam are walking now, but they seem very old.

All of us are out of the WME, living with Jeffery Conway in a dilapidated attic, I cannot disclose where.

He is hiding us, but today, he came home from work, convinced he had been followed.

Jordan pelted him with questions, while I made him a drink.

Julianne, Renee, and Luka sat quietly.

Finally Jeffrey answered.

" They wanted to know if Julianne's last name was 'Phillips'"

Juli shook her head.

"No, no, once my name was Smith, then..........she paused, "let's leave it at Smith, ok?"

Everyone nodded, no questions asked. There would be plenty of that later.

Wild Bill is the creator of Kelly Mahan Jaramillo
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