Thursday, August 23, 2007

I am confused

"Wait!" - "Frannie's note says that Luka, Renee , Jeffery and RayMan ran into HER! They didn't find Frannie, did they?"

Sometimes I feel so stupid that I still have hope.

Julianne spoke.

"Peter, you know you have always wondered about my name. It is Julianne Phillips. I used to be married to a rock and roll guy named Bruce Springsteen. You, despite your questions, have always known that, right?"

I nodded.

"So you know they did not run into Frannie G. right?"

I nodded again, feeling foolish that I had doubted my friends, even for a moment.

"Then you know that who they ran into was....."Julianne tok a deep breathe, "Mrs. - - -

"Yes," I shouted, "yes yes I know who they ran into, and you know she does not kill anyone mercifully - I just couldn't think about it, I just can't - - "

"Peter, don't worry - we are not going to get out of this alive, but that son-of-a-nother is not going to be the one. Okay?"

Juli took a deep breath.

"And to think when I was young, I thought things could not get any worse," she sighed.

And she had been hurt harder than either Jordan or myself had.

We quietly started packing.


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