It's all getting to be too much, just TOO MUCH! First, the Utah speech. It's got the public totally up in arms, as they should be. Then Rumsfeld holds a press conference with Dr. Eudaimonia about Americans working longer hours than the Japanese, and he is so crass that even Dr. Eudaimonia almost faints. We are just starting to get bits and pieces of information about the question that begs to be answered - why does Rumsfeld always make speeches with Eudaimonia at his side?
Last night, the unthinkable was revealed.
There is a lovely older woman who doesn't say a word, her job down here is to restock all of the available medications that fill the candy dishes in the coffee room, the bathrooms, and the lazy susan that is on a table over by the row of file cases. I mean, there are candy dishes everywhere, and they need refilling at LEAST once a day. No one ever really notices her, we just see her making her rounds, filling each dish up, kind of like an "office call" pharmacist or something. She is very pleasant, quiet, smiling and nodding at everyone, plus she is extremely efficient - in and out before you can really register her presence.
Well, at our own meeting last week, Allen showed us a picture - he's had suspicions for months, and started quietly trailing her - that is when he disappeared for weeks. He has come back with so much information we can only relay it in fragments, so sorry. Be patient.
He trailed the candy dish lady out of our area and slipped into a "Senior Residents Only" door, where a meeting was about to start. He dodged into a closet just seconds before whitecoats started filing in, a loud argument began, and, peeking out, he caught sweet old pharmacy lady and Dr. Eudaimonia shouting at each other. Look closely at the picture above. Once you see who it is, you might understand why we are all having our stroke in installments around here.
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