Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Grrrrrrr.....I'm complaining

Oh blech. We have barely recovered from two hours of horrid conductor Donald Rumsfeld, now tonight is horrid President George W. Bush with a State of the Union Address, oh joy.

Of course, we are ordered by the whitecoats to watch it carefully, to detect any signs that perhaps Bush is not taking all of his meds, or he is showing symptoms of something new, or if he has gotten hammered. Then we actually have to write a report on what we observed and turn it in the next day.

I hate it when the stupid President speaks. Thank heavens it is not very often. When Clinton was in office, we had TONS of reports to write, but those were enjoyable, and easy. Bush is really difficult, the guy is such a dumb-ass who can tell if he is drunk? Who can tell if he is in pain, or just smirking and bobbing his head back and forth like a pigeon? The way he gestures looks like someone with a few too many Vicoden in their system, you know what I mean? It is very easy to make a mistake with this guy - you should SEE what some of the past reports have said. It's hilarious. Everything from Tourette's syndrome,speech impediment, stroking out, psychotic to completely wasted on booze and pills.

No one knows what is wrong with this fool, but we dutifully watch the speech and write our stupid little evaluation.

I hate my job.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Oh lord, it's that time again

You know what's worse than the "Strap Down Happy Hour"?

The yearly company concert with special guest conductor.

This year it's Rumsfeld, and he is utterly clueless - I think he just took a handful of Ritalin and started waving his hands around.

The poor orchestra is trying to follow, but the 1812 Overture just sounds like cats in heat.

I have a headache.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It's true

The WME has been listening in on every American citizen who takes ANYTHING, prescription, over-the-counter, herbs, people who are getting their meds from Canada and Mexico - the memo was destroyed but word leaked out, and now they are lying their heads off, saying it is only Lithium and Viagra. What a joke.

Jordan gathered us all together and explained that he had overheard a round table conversation led by Eudaimonia himself, up on the 18th floor. How he managed to get up there, we have no idea. Jordan has always understood the concept of a tesseract, and although he has never said anything, I believe he can tesser. If you have read "A Wrinkle in Time" you understand the concept, but if you have not, I will explain it, but it will be clumsy.

You can simply think of where you want to be, and be there, not unlike Harry Potter and the ability to Apparate.

The difference is, Jordan cannot go far, but he can get around the WME with ease. We never talk about how he winds up in areas that you need special papers and I.D. for, but we don't question what he sees and hears. It is always the truth.

Back to the phone tapping issue - it is true, even if you purchace something as common as aspirin. You are being listened in on, no matter how they spin it, what they say or deny, this is the truth. And it has been going on for five years, maybe more.

I have to go, more later.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

And we thought it was just us

"Peter" Jordan leaned over. "Something's up".

I yawned, still feeling bleary from last week. Some of my memory is coming back, and other parts are utterly blank. Why is my tooth chipped? And did Julianne and I really kiss? I have wanted to ask her but she is just as zoned out as everyone else. Jordan is recovering the fastest because he puts himself through a rigorous liver cleanse every time they test us. I should do it, but it's a lot of work and some of the stuff you have to drink is really gross. I digress.

He nudged me. "Focus, Peter, please!"

"Okay, what, yes, I heard you, something is up. Is that a shock? Since when is there not something up here?" I admit, my tone was a tad snappish.

"You know how they listen in on our home phones? Well...." He lowered his voice and whispered in my ear.

My jaw dropped.

This was huge.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Test Week

God, a whole week has gone by. Dr. Eudaemonia had a big press conference yesterday about different antidepressants, and he wanted to have every tiny fact and detail straight, so we had "test week" where we were all pumped full of meds, meds, and more meds, then strapped into the "mind reactor" chair to see how we could answer basic questions.

Well, they tell us here that his statement was excellent, full of solid information to help the average American citizen understand what they were taking and why.

I wish I knew what they had given us. I feel headach-y and woozy, and the whole month of December plus the
first week of January has been erased from my memory. There are little snippets, but that is about all.

Oh well, that is why we make the big bucks.

I mean, I think we do.

Do we?

Wild Bill is the creator of Kelly Mahan Jaramillo
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