Grrrrrrr.....I'm complaining
Oh blech. We have barely recovered from two hours of horrid conductor Donald Rumsfeld, now tonight is horrid President George W. Bush with a State of the Union Address, oh joy.
Of course, we are ordered by the whitecoats to watch it carefully, to detect any signs that perhaps Bush is not taking all of his meds, or he is showing symptoms of something new, or if he has gotten hammered. Then we actually have to write a report on what we observed and turn it in the next day.
I hate it when the stupid President speaks. Thank heavens it is not very often. When Clinton was in office, we had TONS of reports to write, but those were enjoyable, and easy. Bush is really difficult, the guy is such a dumb-ass who can tell if he is drunk? Who can tell if he is in pain, or just smirking and bobbing his head back and forth like a pigeon? The way he gestures looks like someone with a few too many Vicoden in their system, you know what I mean? It is very easy to make a mistake with this guy - you should SEE what some of the past reports have said. It's hilarious. Everything from Tourette's syndrome,speech impediment, stroking out, psychotic to completely wasted on booze and pills.
No one knows what is wrong with this fool, but we dutifully watch the speech and write our stupid little evaluation.
I hate my job.
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