Friday, September 30, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I swore I would not be tested again. But, after yesterday, the WME was doing really intense head counts. If I am not there I lose my job. It'a a good job, although I only work seven and one half hours a day, so therefore do not qualify for health insurance. When I wake up at two-thirty every night, I wonder about that rule, but in the light of day, guys, I have to keep my job.
What I do not understand is, they are testing a new drug for women - pre-menopausal, menopause, night sweats, mood swings, headaches, ........
Why are they testing me? I am am a guy!
It must go deeper, that maybe we're all the same.
If I said that at work, I'd be SO fired.
But why are they testing a woman issue one me????
Whatever. Jus gotta get through the day.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Okay, okay, I have to breathe. WE are being strapped down tomorrow and I have to act normal. But the only person I trust is missing - I cannot find him anywhere. He already looks older than he is, haunted, scared. But he can tell a story that will have you on edge, laughing, and so damned nervous.........Somehow it always came out all right in the end.
And now I cannot find him. He's probably back at the house, petting the cat, and laughing at me for being such a trainwreck. Telling me to take the damned Lunesta, strap up for the WME's experimental nonsense, and live to be a ghostwriter.
I just don't know who the ghost is these days.
"Peter," Jordan will say, "You worry too much."
Monday, September 26, 2005
I made it home, I think I was followed, I don't know. I am going to have to go to the next roll call for the "Strap Down" or they'll get suspicious. The WME is starting to talk about a new group of pharmaceuticals that are going to be tested on us soon. I must co-operate, they cannot know that I am the leak. I can hardly breathe, where's my inhaler??
Fellow Americans - I strongly suggest you get a prescription for the same cocktail the President is on - remember, the Kolonopin, Librex, and Thorazine. I know you probably don't need it, but just smile wistfully at your M.D. and say something like," President Bush is doing so well at his job, he has raised the bar insofar as job performance, and I would like to be the best employee I can be - something along those lines. It will get back to the WME and they will be so busy patting each other on the back they will forget about me. They don't know my name anyway, but I cannot count on that. If you want to keep getting the real scoop, you've got to help me. Help me help you.
God help......
I mean, God Bless us all.
Sunday, September 25, 2005

Oh boy. I have been following WME orders, taking the meds the higher ups tell me to take, and last night I took what I thought was my Lunesta. I realized after I had taken it that I had accidentally taken an Ambien, which is exactly the same drug except that the patent for Ambien is up soon and so Lunesta is the one to push, so Merck and the gang can rake it in, obviously. Who do you think signs our weekly paychecks? (Well, one of those guys, or the government, I don't know, whatever).
So last night I had trouble sleeping, maybe the Ambien was old, but I think when I realized my mistake, I panicked. Started pacing. Maybe I should have taken a Lunesta, but I was afraid to take another dose of a sleeping pill. Restless night sleep.
Today, I went to the blood donor place to give platelets. My weight is always fine, just on the line to donate, my blood pressure is low (probably all of the drugs), and my iron is always very, very high. I eat my body weight in meat every day, and I have a wildly high iron count. Also twice as many platelets as the average person. The average count is in the 240-ish range, mine is in the 460 range (again, probably a mutant because of all of the WME's testing on us). ANYway I have been donating platelets for over year. It just makes me feel good to help.
Today the nurse came to me as I was settling into my chair, all hooked up and ready to donate, when she told me my iron count was too low and I was being turned away. She began to unhook me, carefully coiling up the tubing, not looking at me.
I asked, somewhat plaintively, "What do you mean? My iron is fine, how could this be? There must be a mistake!"
I realized as I was sputtering my confusion, I looked at this nurse. I had never seen her before. Her smile was ice.
"I'm so sorry, Wild," she answered, then her eyes went utterly flat. "Perhaps you didn't get enough sleep last night. That can deplete iron. And you cannot help others when you have not had enough sleep."
I suddenly felt nauseated. Somehow they knew. I could almost smell Chertoff and Eudaimonia on the premises. I looked at the man across from me, all hooked up, no problems. Usually they hover over new people, and I had never seen him donating before. He stared back at me, the same flat look on his face.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
About Lunesta
It helps you sleep, but there are things the WME is not reporting! You sleep in really late, and wake up feeling useless!
I don't know, it is only my experience, but I think that if you take Lunesta, DO NOT look at butterflies. There is a butterfly in the commercial, and it touches the sleeping people. I looked at butterflies the evening before, and the next morning was really harsh. Please, people, listen to the WME, take your Lunesta, but pay attention to the side effects.
The WME is in a meeting about this issue, and they do not know if it will extend to looking at other objects that might bring pleasure. For now, just dont look at anything.