Monday, November 20, 2006

Don't let them fool you

I know they look sad. Don't believe it, it's gonna get ugly. I still can't believe Rumsfeld was the candy lady. Now that he is gone, we have been waiting for our "early retirement". Or to get fired. Or laid off. We are waiting for things to change, as all of this was supposedly Rumsfeld's fault. I am starting to have the sinking feeling that his resignation is a smokescreen, some kind of public placebo that had been in play for months. I don't know. All I know is...........don't feel like we won. Don't think things are going to get better. Be very, very careful. All of us down here are, and you guys up there should, too.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Please excuse the lack of enthusiasm. We get the memo to vote today - the Whitecoats still think that we are so addled from so many years down here that we don't know what day it is. They are very good at it, giving us two day old papers and whatnot, but since we started our escape plan, we have our own counter-system in place. It is long and complicated, and the details are not necessary right now, but I wanted to let you know that although it has been much more than a week since I have been seen here, I have not been taken away for good - it is just that the plan is getting very time consuming and sensitive.

But yes, we did vote, and yes, we are aware that it is looking extremely good for things to start changing.

Although this morning we were given a morning paper with totally false information - that the Republicans had swept the House and Senate, all of the governors in every state were Republican, that the Democratic Party no longer was pretty funny, and hard to keep a straight face and act like we believe it.

This election helps our plans - but we MUST get the Senate in order to GET OUT.

"V for Vendetta" helped.

Jordan got a hold of a copy, nearly risking his life.

Wild Bill is the creator of Kelly Mahan Jaramillo
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