Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Articles From Scott

Jordan and I looked down at what Scott had handed us.

You had to give the guy points for optimism.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Scott Grusin explains

At the discretion of the author, this post has been removed, Sept 5, 2010.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

A scare in the woods

Jordan and I were sitting, staring, saying nothing. Jeffery never showed up with the new place, and it was just the two of us. I guess one really does wind up where they started.

I feared I was losing my mind, because in the distance I could hear music. I didn't want to say anything to Jordan, if he did not hear it, well....

It got closer, though, and finally it was practically at the door. We were frozen. Had the WME finally found us? Jordan peeked through the bottom of a low window to the right of the door.

"He is small, with a backpack, tangled hair, playing some kind of strange guitar. If this is a disguise from the WME, they did it very well, and we know they don't have that kind of imagination, " he commented, unconsciously twisting his thumb ring.

The person knocked on the door and I nearly lost all bodily functions.

"Hello? Is anybody in there? I just need a glass of water, if it would be no bother, sorry, sorry. My name is Scott Grusin, I hope I am not interrupting anything, sorry, if I am sorry, I'll leave."

We looked at each other. Unless he had a weapon, we could take this guy down easily. Even if he did, we probably could.

Besides, that name sounded familiar.

Wild Bill is the creator of Kelly Mahan Jaramillo
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