Saturday, September 08, 2007

She is gone, gone, gone

Juli left us. When she told us she was Julianne Phillips, THE Julianne Phillips, dads name Bill, Mom's name Anne, grew up in Lake Oswego, she broke down and cried.

""Listen guys, there is the press, there are a million flashbulbs in your face, but compared to what we are dealing with, that is like a tse-tse fly. Do you get it?" I am now a liability, and I have a place to hide. You do not."

But Juli, we need you - -" I tried to speak.

"Peter!" she was practically spitting.

"When the two of you are really ready to go" she passed me a piece of paper.

"Oh FUCK I am tired of notes" Jordan yelled.

Jordan never yelled.

He turned in circles around the room. Around and around and around and around,

"I AM TIRED" he screamed.

It never occured to us that Jordan, the self assured calm one, would need help.

Wild Bill is the creator of Kelly Mahan Jaramillo
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