What A Difference A Day Makes

Okay, I had a bad toothache, a few days ago they sent me to the Emergency Dental Center here - it's kind of creepy and chaotic. I felt like I was in the purgatory scene in "Beetlejuice".
Anyway, they knocked me out, yanked my teeth around, woke me up, doped me up, and sent me home, where I slept for about four days, only to wake up and find out that the Vice President shot his hunting buddy!
God, don't go to sleep for too long these days. If I weren't finally awake and cognizent, I'd think it was the drugs talking.
I have a theory, I think Cheney did it on purpose to knock Mikey off of the front page.
Cant you just hear it?
Rove, "I hate to ask, Dick, I really do, but Brownie is all over the media, yammering on and on and pointing the finger at US, the ungrateful little snot."
Cheney," It's no problem Karl, honestly, don't give it a second thought. Harry's not really a friend, he's just a fat wallet that I had just about emptied anyway. It's a no-brainer."
Or maybe it was more patriotic than that - Cheney was just trying to reduce the burden on Social Security by offing a 78-year old.
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