The silent High-five

We are all so happy here today. Michael "Brownie" Brown finally got sick of being the scapegoat for the failure of FEMA and their response to "Katrina" and bit back yesterday. GO BROWNIE! He is a hero down here! In fact, we have made a pact to stop calling him "Brownie" he obviously does not like it. So, GO MIKEY!!
See, we are so often the scapegoats when they test meds on us and then they don't work on some public figure - WE get blamed! Isn't that insane? Where's the logic? When Librex was tested on all of us (whether we had spastic colons or not) and it worked, they chose it to help President Bush stop smirking. Well, guess what - he didn't, and they blame us. It is not our fault that the President has a spastic brain AND colon.
So, when they blamed the whole hurricane disaster on one guy, it really felt like a load of crap.
(After all, he was the ONLY government official to have the guts show his face on "Nightline" to get blasted by Ted Koppel - the rest of the administration was hiding like chickenshits).
He got complimented publicly by Bush on the great job he was doing, then canned a week later.
So finally, Michael Brown is speaking out and saying that indeed, it was a load of ca-ca.
AND, Some high ranking folks lashed out at President Bush yesterday during Coretta Scott Kings memorial. More on that later. It's all so good. We are feeling so good, and this is without meds.
Maybe there is hope for humanity after all.
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