Okay, I have to explain what has happened here in installments. First and foremost, Jeffery Conway is one of three authors of the highly acclaimed epic poem/essay "Phoebe 2002" He and fellow writers Lynn Crosbie and David Trinidad worked for many years on it, and it was finally published in 2003. Long before I came to the WME to work, Jeffery and I had lived in the same building, and had enjoyed many good times together. Jeffery left for New York, I worked in the film business for a bit, then came here to work for the WME.
When I called him to tell him of my career change, he was upset.
"The Weapons of Mass Euphoria? I have read some horrifying articles about them, really creepy information that gets killed long before it even winds up on the back page of mainstream media, Peter. I don't like you working there, I don't like it at all."
"Jeffery," I had been both amused and touched by his concern, "you can't believe everything you read. Seriously, we're not Russia or the Middle East, this is America! If the WME were a shady governmental operation it would be exposed! Remember Watergate?"
(god I am sitting with my head in my hands, how could I have been so naive and stupid and young? Redundant, isn't it)?
"Well," he had said, "stay in close touch."
I did, and as the work situation became more horrifying, I told him about it. He was frantic for me to get out, but it was too late. So he has written into "Phoebe 2002" coded messages both for escape, and for us to use to communicate. As installments go along, when our little group is talking and we say something that seemingly makes no sense, I will indicate that it is from "Phoebe", why we are using it and what it means.
We are now eight - turns out RayMan was found by Jeffery - Jeffery told him our story and RayMan immediately took on the assignment of getting us out of here. It's still going to take awhile, and I will continue to report everything I can, but the thought of escape is causing a high quiver amongst us all, and we really need to tone it down. I hate to admit it, but everybody has been dipping into the lunchroom candy dishes pretty liberally since RayMan showed up with "Phoebe". But there are two new feelings that we don't want to numb out - happiness and hope. It's been a long time, but the last time anyone acted too happy down here they were assigned to the basement, so we HAVE to keep it under wraps. Someday I'll tell you what was in the basement, besides the proof that Marilyn Monroe was murdered.
"What's done cannot be undone. To bed, to bed, to bed!" (Phoebe 2002, pg.69)
From this point on that quote is the only way to reference the Marilyn information.
it may get confusing, but in the long run we are all much safer.
For now.

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